About Us
Welcome to the Physique Bodyshop web-site. We only stock supplements we trust to contain exactly what it reads on the label and to contain quality ingredients; so if its sold by us you can buy with the confidence that it has been thoroughly assessed before it gets to you. As well as offering top quality merchandise you will also find, in our opinion, the most comprehensive information source available anywhere on the web. This site has been constructed to offer you confidence in the supplements you choose by supporting any market “hype” with real scientific fact. On our site, you will be able to find out information about the ingredients that are in today’s vast range of products and also information on the frequency and dosage to take to maximise the potential of the supplement. Most people tend to “experiment” with supplements and sadly most people never gain any benefit from what they have just bought. Physique Bodyshop aims to change this. We hope to give you the information you need to eliminate this “shot in the dark” strategy and hence be more informed and focused, on what you are taking and why. We all know the saying, “knowledge is power” and it is our aim to spread as much useful knowledge to people who are serious in whatever training they do so that they can quickly, safely and realistically achieve there physique and fitness goals. We are unique in that we have experienced, university level educated staff that are available to consult if your answers cannot be found on our site. We are a friendly and open-minded company and enjoy listening to customer feedback and suggestions. We do not profess to “know it all” but do offer a wealth of factual information. If there is anything missing that you would like to see posted on our site then please let us know. We are also distinctive in that, unlike many other on-line companies, we have a store that you are welcome to come visit and chat to us face to face. We wont simply take your money in exchange for goods and coldly leave our business at that, we like to hear how you are getting on and hope you will share your success, or otherwise with others. Some of the best success stories come about by first experiencing failure. We cannot emphasis enough how important it is to learn what not to do, as well as learning what you should correctly do.
Along side this vast amount of information you will find example training protocols and diets. You will be able to learn exactly how much protein, carbohydrate and fat your body needs based on your personal attributes and goals, the calories obtained from them and how to form a diet specifically for you. Our endocrinology (body hormone chemistry) and anatomy sections will provide detailed, inarguable scientific facts and diagrams where you can return to time and time again to learn more about how your body works and hence how to modify it to achieve your dream physique. We hope to present this information in a way that is readable to the everyday person, any terminology will be explained clearly and as stated previously, we are always here to chat to if anything isn’t clear. Our aim is to provide you with an all-in-one site so that you don’t have to keep switching sites to find out information. We hope to build a long-term relationship with you. The truth is building your dream physique doesn’t happen over-night: “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and if it was real easy to obtain your ideal body then we would all be walking around with our dream physiques! We hope to make supplements more financially accessible to you so we are always competitive.
We have been established since 1984, which is far longer than most supplements companies and are still going strong. We hope to continue our success through your success. We aim to become the best, most comprehensive supplement, equipment and clothing company on the market today. We look forward to hearing from you and now invite you to enter the site.
Best Wishes
Robert Landells M.Chem (Hons), SAC.Dip, Dip.PMVA, PTLLS
Managing Director