Brian Hill
D.O.B: 26/10/62
City: Edinburgh
Sporting Profession/interests: Bodybuilding, Motorbikes, My dogs
Career/Job: Owner of Brian Hill Joinery, Kitchen specialists
Gym: Gracemount Bodybuilding Gym
Competition history/achievements:
2004 – PRO LAB OVER 40’S – 4th
2004 – NABBA SCOTLAND OVER 40’S – 5th
2006 – NABBA, SCOTLAND OVER 40’S – 5th
2006 – PRO-LAB OVER 40’S – 2nd
2006 – EAST OF SCOTLAND OVER 40’S – 4th
Training split: 6 days a week, hard and heavy
Diet: Diet? lets not talk about that, lol! كيف تلعب لعبة البوكر
Supplements used: Cytosport Mocha Latte Protein, Extreme KRX creatine, Synthia 6, Optimum Orange (cant train without it), Vit C, CNP Pro~Recover
Advice / tips / suggestions you have to help others with similar interests: Train hard, train with good form, always.