Grown in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, Guggul is a tree which exudes a resinous sap out of incisions that are made in its bark. This resin has been used for centuries as part of India’s traditional medicine called Ayurveda. In our modern world of advanced chemistry, this resinous sap is processed and purified, and then standardised for a given amount of its active constituents; Z and E Guggulsterones. These two compounds are plant sterols with a high degree of human bioactivity and have been shown in studies to affect many biological processes including thyroid metabolism, cholesterol management, and dermal (skin) function. In each of these areas, Guggulsterones were shown in studies to be highly effective modulators with near drug-like potency.
Acne suppression
An example of Guggul potency is shown when compared with the acne drug tetracycline, the percentage reduction in the inflammatory lesions was 65.2% with the tetracycline as compared to 68% with the Guggulsterones.
How Does Guggulsterone Work?
Guggulsterones stimulate the thyroid gland, which in turn produces more thyroid hormones such as thyroxin. These thyroid hormones have a profound effect on the rate of metabolism including a direct catabolic effect on adipose tissue. Practically, this means that Guggulsterones will stimulate your thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones which in turn will raise your metabolic rate and burn more fat. Guggulsterones increase the peripheral conversion of T4 into T3. Increasing the peripheral conversion of T3 is highly important because the thyroid only produces 20% of the body’s T3. Most of the remaining 80% is derived from T4 through a conversion process that occurs in various target tissues, like skeletal muscle, for example.