+44131 229 9500 info@physiquebodyshop.com

Our Gym

Gracemount gym has been established since 2005. However, it only opened its doors to the public in 2009. It is owned and managed by Rab & Brian. It is home to a wealth of equipment and is sometimes described as one of Edinburgh’s ‘hardcore’ gyms. Our gym is a private gym, used by those who are serious in their training, no matter their discipline. As well as comprehensive resistance equipment, 10lb dumbbells to 80kg dumbbells, we have our own 4m x 3m matted cage, a range of punch bags and cardio equipment. Our gym is essentially open to our members 24/7, but sometimes notice needs given if very late or very early entry is required. There are a number of key fob holders who are trusted by us to keep an eye on things so usually one or more key holders are in the gym. Entry can now be gained by pressing the door entry system. Keys are not issued on membership. Our gym is only £4 per session or £25 per month for the time being. Use of the gym is simple (after induction): sign in; pay on entry at the door; always strip bars after use and keep the gym tidy; respect the equipment,; keep good manners and all will be well. The gym has cameras covering all locations inside and out so personal belongings are safe. However, we accept zero liability of any sort for any negligent incidents to yourself or your possessions. We implement a ‘Train Responsibly’ policy. However, anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Any questions about the use of our gym can be submitted by clicking ‘Here’ or calling our shop on 0131 229 9500.


Currently only £25 per month, payable on the 1st of every month. This gives you unlimited use of the gym for that month. Your details will be held in a master register for that month. Yearly memberships are available.


There are many cameras strategically placed to cover all areas and are recording digitally in colour, with sound. This means you can safely leave your £4 on the counter as you come in and we’ll know you paid. There is an alarm which sets when the lights are turned off and the door is held closed for 7 seconds. After this time a “click” can be heard and that is the gym locked up. So, if you are the last one out, you make sure the door is shut.


 RAB LANDELLS                                    BRIAN HILL                          PADDY O’DONNELL                         

RAB-avatar BRIAN-HILL-avatar

Click to email Rab L                            Click to email Brian                   Click to email Paddy


Address: Frogston Road East, EH17 8RT
Lat-Lon: 55°53’54.2″N 3°10’47.6″W

Sat Image: Gracemount-gym-location

Gym Video’s: