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ZMA is a unique, vitamin-and-mineral combination support formula containing highly bioavailable forms of zinc and magnesium; zinc monomethionine and covalently bound zinc/magnesium aspartate. It is formulated with vitamin B6 to further enhance zinc and magnesium absorption and utilisation. ZMA is a powerful non-steroidal, natural dietary supplement clinically proven to increase free testosterone (via steroid dehydrogenase), total testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). bet365 casino It is also claimed to improve sleep and recovery. سباق الأحصنة

Athletes can be zinc-deficient, which can result in decreased testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 levels and a suppressed immune system.

It is best not to take ZMA with milk or other dairy products, as it will effect the rate of absorption and utilisation. كيف ربح المال ZMA is best taken before bed